1. Writing with readability in mind
A recent study by Scribblers found a commonality between The Huffington Post, CNN, and BuzzFeed content. After analyzing over 500 successful articles among these popular sites, Scribblers graded their “readability.” Though each platform has a different target audience, their content is written at varying elementary reading levels. In the graph below, you’ll see how BuzzFeed is directly compared to these other digital publications. BuzzFeed’s content is written at a 4th-grade reading level, while CNN content is written at a 7th-grade reading level.
- Keep most sentences under 20 words
- Rarely use words with more than three syllables
- Include transition words frequently, i.e., most important, because, thus, or besides that.

Source: Wikipedia
The jury is still out on whether readability is a factor in the Google PageRank Algorithm. However, if your piece is easy to read it will increase engagement levels for your post, and ultimately, improve critical metrics like bounce and exit rates. Depending on your target audience, simplifying your message can help expand your content’s reach. Like BuzzFeed, you can target a broad audience with the consistent use of simple language and a focus on keywords.2. Don’t be a robot
When creating content, it’s important to ask, “Will this bring value to my target audience?” “Would they interact with this content?” When your content solves a problem and informs your audience, they are more likely to revisit your site. As humans, we are most attracted to stories that play into our emotions and help us learn new information. BuzzFeed has been tugging on the emotional heart strings of readers since the very beginning. If you’re not having the best day, BuzzFeed always has just the quiz to cheer you up. According to BuzzFeed Europe’s Will Hayward, BuzzFeed quizzes have a 95% completion rate. Bringing value to the table can mean informing your audience, teaching a lesson, or simply putting a smile on their faces. “No one wants to interact with a robot,” as Co-Founder of BuzzFeed Jonah Peretti explains.“In the SEO era, getting readers was about smart tricks. We think differently. What need does a story play in someone’s life? When you’re having a rough day at work and see ’13 Simple Steps To Get You Through A Rough Day’, that’s servicing an emotional need.” – BuzzFeed Co-Founder, Jonah Peretti
Below is a screenshot of BuzzFeed’s Tasty page showcasing delightfully addictive clips for foodies. The food-related content doesn’t stop at tutorial videos. Readers can also find Tasty content that reveals insights into their personalities through their food preferences. Tying together psychology and food, two very popular topics, into one piece of content offers a significant increase in value. Readers can walk away from the post not only learning something about themselves but also improving their cooking skills.
3. Finding the perfect length
As attention spans decrease, there is an upward trend in shorter content. With an average word count of 155 words, BuzzFeed is best-known for getting straight to the point in their articles. However, depending on your audience, shorter content may not always be the way to go. Long-form content marketing has also proven to be very valuable. Varying your subject matter and posting a variety of both short-form and long-form content is key. According to best-selling author and social media guru, Neil Patel, long-form content means 2,000+ words. With longer articles, Neil argues that “they attract backlinks and organic traffic from Google timelessly, organically making it evergreen content.”
“BuzzFeed staff receive a list of Golden Rules of Shareability. These include: Don’t use tricks. People don’t like to feel stupid…” – Jonah Peretti
BuzzFeed’s long-form content pieces are shareable and popular because they offer real insights into complex topics that interest readers. Modern viewpoints that readers may discuss with their friends or work colleagues can be found in BuzzFeed’s long-form pieces. Below is a comparison of BuzzFeed’s content performance compared to The Guardian’s content performance. From the graphs below, it’s clear that BuzzFeed’s long-form content performs significantly better, with an average of 38,000 more shares than The Guardian’s content.
4. Branded content instead of ads
When it comes to digital content, it can be hard to differentiate between ads and news stories. BuzzFeed has stealthily walked this line and prompted other sites to report on it. In this post by The Dish, Guess Which BuzzFeed Piece Is An Ad, the website shows just how difficult it can be to tell which BuzzFeed articles are advertisements. Which one of these three posts looks like an ad in this column?
5. A taste of nostalgia
According to Merriam-Webster, nostalgia is “pleasure and sadness that’s caused by remembering something from the past and wishing you could experience it again.” This feeling of nostalgia can reduce stress, increase feelings of connectedness, and even influence us to make a purchase.” Audiences love to feel nostalgic, and this desire for the past is instrumental in BuzzFeed’s content strategy. In fact, BuzzFeed’s Rewind section is now home for all things from yesteryear.
“Nostalgia is like giving people a sort of perspective on their past through sharing; things that reflect the person you are and the person you want to be seen to be by your friends. It’s part of the story you’re telling about yourself through your social presence.” – Creative Director Philip Byrne, The Drum Live
We broke down how companies can utilize nostalgia marketing for advertising purposes in an earlier piece; Stranger Things is Proof that Nostalgia Marketing Works. To encourage shares, there needs to be an emotional element that connects readers to the content and their communities. 90s babies want to reminisce about Nintendo Game Boys, while Generation Xers want to remember the days before high-speed Internet and mp3 players. Brands that can find that social/emotional connection that is relevant to their target audience can captivate readers with engaging content that tugs on their heartstrings so much so that it’s worth sharing on social media. GE got into the nostalgia marketing game back in 2012 with this BuzzFeed partnership.

- Pick a Popular Product or Trend from the Past for Quizzes, Polls, or Giveaways
- A snack food company asks audiences to share what kind of lunchbox they had as a child.
- A sporting goods company asks audiences to rate the most iconic layups in basketball history.
- Adopt A Popular Social Media Trend That Focuses On Sharing The Past
- #TransformationTuesday
- #TBT (Throwback Thursday)
- #FBF (Flashback Friday)