
Marketing & Social Media


Ah, social media! The land of viral sensations, trending hashtags, and, occasionally, catastrophic blunders. While it can propel a brand to new heights, it can just as easily lead to public relations nightmares. In this article, we’ll explore five failed social media campaigns so you can learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes in your own social media efforts. Let’s jump right in. 5 Failed Social Media Campaigns And What You Can Learn…

Mistakes in social media posts happen. And they happen often. Whether you’re posting for your company or, if you’re a social media agency, for your clients, errors sneak in — outdated content, grammatical slip-ups, you name it. Some mistakes are minor, but others can be disastrous. In regulated industries like insurance and healthcare, incorrect information can damage your reputation and even lead to lawsuits. The good news is that most mistakes are preventable! Here are…

You’ve created content for your client and sent it off for feedback, but then you hear nothing. You send one reminder, then another, and another… and now you feel like you’re being annoyingly persistent. However, without client feedback, you can’t publish their content. For agencies handling multiple clients, chasing down feedback can be frustrating, and it can also kill productivity. And, when feedback finally comes in, it’s often scattered across different platforms. One person pings…

A social media kit is a handy tool for any brand wanting to look consistent and professional online. For example, if your brand hires a social media agency or freelancers to manage your social media, a kit ensures they stick to your brand’s style. Similarly, if your team handles multiple projects, a social media kit keeps everyone on the same page. Or, if you work with journalists, a media kit serves as a source of…

Building an impactful social media presence for your clients demands dedication, time, and sometimes a hefty investment. Your clients come to you with underwhelming budgets but want mega results. While we’re sure you set realistic expectations for your clients, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t lean into creative ways to maximize content’s value. Content repurposing is a great way to transform existing content into new formats to reach broader audiences across different social media platforms—all without…

Social media is a great way to promote your business, but when budget cuts come along, it’s natural to worry. You might think less money means less effective campaigns that won’t reach as many people. But there’s good news—you can still achieve great results on a tighter budget. You’ll just have to be strategic about your priorities and smart with your resources. Ready to learn how to stretch your social media budget further? We have…

Imagine it’s Monday morning—or any day, really—and instead of brainstorming your next big campaign, you’re stuck manually scheduling social media posts for the week ahead. Whether you’re part of an in-house creative team or an agency, you likely handle a fair share of social media admin. It’s frustrating: this work eats into your creative time, leaving you and your team feeling drained before the day has even begun. Don’t want this anymore? Good! In this…

If you run a social media management agency, you know how stressful content delivery to your clients can be. We’re almost certain that you’ve encountered instances when you’ve sent out social media posts for your clients to review, but then… crickets. Or, you received client feedback, but it was after the original publishing date. And then, how many times have you found yourself caught in a whirlwind of communication issues, with different versions of content…

If posting on LinkedIn is part of your social media strategy, you should be staying on top of the platform’s key trends. Knowing what’s hot and what’s just meh, means you can come up with content that generates engagement and helps you reach wider audiences.Here are the top 10 LinkedIn trends to watch out for this year and some tactics on how you can use these trends to your advantage. Let’s go! Top 10 LinkedIn…