


Image Elements of gaming are beginning to appear as a form of measurement and engagement in every facet of our daily lives. We’re taking endless selfies on Snapchat with the hopes of receiving a new emoji trophy and chasing down Pokémon for our daily exercise. And whether it’s through a leaderboard or point system, products such as ChoreWars, Nike Training Club, and Habit RPG are transforming the daily grind into an interactive challenge. It only…

Remote positions are becoming increasingly common for the modern worker.  A PGI study showed 23% of employees report doing work remotely, and the New York Times echoes this figure arguing that telecommunication is “fast on the rise”. Working remotely has an abundance of benefits for a company and individuals alike. Workers can create their own schedule, customize their work environment, and, according to CNN Travel, can save an estimated $4,000 dollars monthly on transportation costs…

The best organizational blogs are those that present a good mix of perspectives and fresh ideas. One way that many organizations create a diversity of voices on their blog is by inviting guest bloggers to contribute content. However, it’s highly likely your organization already possesses many individuals that are highly capable of contributing their interesting points of view. Getting our entire team to contribute content helped establish our organization as a thought leader and even…

Any successful team requires a blend of varying skills, work styles, and workplace personalities. If everyone on your team had an analytical, linear approach, you might over-calculate results, and ignore the value of disruptive, fresh ideas. Dually, if everyone on your team maintained a big picture gaze and only focused on far-off future company goals, your team’s productivity would struggle within the confines of daily deadlines. The role of a good project manager is to…

Whether you have an office, a cubicle, or a desk, you should have an area everyday where you work that you have slight control over its aesthetics. And while you may just plop your laptop down wherever and get to work, there are actually ways to be more productive during the day by changing your work area. There have been numerous studies on this topic, and it turns out that the space around us can…

In a world where we are constantly connected and communicating with each other, it can be easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated when our workloads become unbalanced. An imbalance in the workplace can lead to over-productivity by some team members and under-productivity by others. A lack of workload balance can also lead to employee dissatisfaction and an overall decrease in organization morale. It’s important to balance the workload among the members of your team.…

Due to the rise in the remote workforce, distance is no longer a factor in hiring top talent; therefore, the traditional in-person interview is becoming harder to carry out. As another way to filter through talent, companies are utilizing social media to secure potential new hires. This trend has gained so much steam that 92% of recruiters said social media has become part of their hiring process. Though companies are frequenting these platforms to find…

As companies grow bigger and busier and remote workers become the norm, new tools to stay productive have sprouted to keep us all working efficiently. In addition to the multitude of project management apps, new chat products have popped up to help teams talk to each other while working together remotely. Of remote teams surveyed, 84% said they use instant messaging platforms daily to interact with coworkers. So what are remote teams using to talk…

Team meetings are essential, but they can also be a sinkhole for many hours in your valuable workday that could be spent working on other projects. So how can you economize as a team to make your meetings shorter and more efficient so your colleagues can get back to work sooner? Here are a few methods that your team can implement to make your meetings useful again. Image Create a Meeting Agenda Many departments may…

Everyone has a different way to stay organized, and every team has a different way to communicate. Project management tools aim to keep both the individual and the team informed and on track. However, implementation of a new project management tool can be incredibly difficult when your team is already set in their ways. According to a study by The Access Group, reliability, ease of use, and ease of integration are the top three requirements…