Founded over seven years ago, Pink Studios is a full-service digital agency passionate about design and helping others create an amazing presence online. Specializing in web and graphic design for the wedding and education industry, Pink Studios has quickly become the go-to designer for wedding and event planners on the East Coast. As Marii Nieves, Founder of Pink Studios, pushed the creative agency’s services and offerings to the next level, she needed to find new ways to work smarter, not harder, when creating content for clients. So she turned to tools like Gain to streamline her content creation process – and keep her clients happy. We recently spoke with Marii to learn more about how she runs Pink Studios and how Gain’s automated content workflows help her work with multiple clients who are always on the go.

1. Tell us a bit about your role. What do you do?

A little over a year ago, after being the Digital Marketing Director for a multimillion-dollar higher education company, I decided to quit my job and pursue my side gig full-time. Pink Studios is a boutique digital marketing partner for small and medium-sized businesses that focuses on effectively launching their digital marketing presences so they can focus on running their businesses. Pink Studios’ clients range from advertising agencies, with multiple local and international clients who need support running digital media buys, to individual business industries, including technology, events, and creative businesses who need help with everything from web development and graphic design to social media, community management, and digital buys.

2. Pink Studios pushes out a lot of content. How do you come up with fresh ideas?

Inspiration comes in a variety of shapes and forms. From day to day events or conversations with clients to new digital marketing or technology-related industry news. It even comes from the sometimes cliché motivational quotes that my clients and followers love so much. I love to put myself in my client’s shoes and develop content that, as a business owner, I would also find helpful.

3. What are some of the brands that you and your team look up to?

It’s always good to find brands – not even related to your industry – that give you a sense of “relaxation to the eye,” as I like to call it. For us, these are brands that are not heavy, give you peace of mind, and can inspire you in any shape or form. At Pink Studios, we draw a lot of inspiration from FabFitFun, Studiostationary, EndlesslyElated, and Bloguettes.

4. Can you give our readers a few tips or tricks that help you work smarter, not harder when it comes to content marketing?

W.o.r.k.f.l.o.w.s & s.t.a.n.d.a.r.d.i.z.a.t.i.on are life savers! I’m known for having a Type A personality, and therefore, organization is key! When I was preparing to relaunch my business a year ago, I wasn’t going to jump into it without a defined work structure. I researched every single app available (or at least it feels like it ) for different business tasks ranging from invoicing and finances apps, to cloud services, time tracking, project management and social media management; until I found the ones that checked all the boxes based on what I was looking for. The best advice I can give anyone working with content marketing is to do the same and establish procedures for this (you’ll thank me). It’ll take you some time to get used to it, but once you do, everything will move flawlessly and you will even have a better picture of what you have and what you need to get done. I use Trello to dump any blog ideas or social media posts that I’d like to further develop and I have a checklist of things that need to get done for every blog post before I publish them. Then, once the piece of content is ready, I move to Gain to request clients’ approval and schedule the content on the different social networks available. The amazing thing about the processes that I’ve put together is that I can take a step back, plan ahead, create follow-up posts, and even repurpose content or create relationships between them.

5. Please share a bit more about how Gain helps you be more productive when it comes to content creation.

Without a doubt, Gain is the best social media platform for content creation. The ability to allow creators to receive approvals and scheduled posts with just a few clicks is mind-blowing. Not only can I do all of that, but also I can always go back to each post and double-check any feedback from clients without having to scroll through numerous emails to find it. My clients praise the organization and ease of use of Gain. Being able to approve or request revisions from their smartphones is a fantastic feature to have for clients that are always on the go. When you own a business, time is money. Now, I no longer have to scroll through multiple emails to find photo and copy approvals. Gain makes it extremely easy and saves me a lot of time. I found about Gain from my previous social media team. They kept begging to renew this application and said that without it they couldn’t develop content. I was shocked. “How can they not?” I would ask myself. A few months later, I learned EXACTLY what they meant. When I relaunched Pink Studios, I hopped on a call with Eric at Gain and he quickly convinced me to try it. His introduction to Gain was amazing, and I cannot stress how friendly and responsive the Gain team is. Every time there is an update, whether it’s a new feature or some limitations due to Facebook or an API, they immediately let their users know – unlike other platforms where you learn about changes when you log in on and find yourself some “new” buttons or fewer features!
Thank you so much to Marii for talking with us! We’re excited to share more tips and insights from the top agencies using Gain to automate their social media approvals so stay tuned! If you’re ready to start automating the content approval process with your clients, try out a free demo of Gain today.