When you work at an agency, you might be managing as many as 100 different social media and marketing channels at once, all for different clients. With so much content, it becomes practically impossible to require each person within your agency to send individual emails to make sure that content gets approved and sent to clients on time. Coordinating content approvals over email across a vast (or remote) team can feel like trying to scale Everest. Luckily, a tool like Gain can help you automate and streamline your content approval process so you can coordinate with your team without stress. Here’s a look at how four agencies are managing their internal content approvals and their tips for delighting clients along the way.

1. “We spread the monthly cycles of accounts in the calendar so they do not all need the same attention at the same time: an account will have a cycle running from the first of the month, while the next will cycle from the 10th of the month, or from the 20th.” – Ann Black, Valet Social

Ann Black has been managing social media since 2006, so she knows a thing or two about creating and managing content. Efficiently managing client communications, both internally and externally, is the key to producing content that pleases clients and their audiences. When creating content for multiple accounts, Ann organizes each month in cycles so that approvals are syncopated and her team is never overwhelmed. Read more of her advice here.

2. “Instead of emails back and forth (whether between team members or clients), all content lives in one, easy-to-use place.” – Amanda Gerritsen, Sneeze It

Amanda manages the workflow of a large team of community managers at the digital agency, Sneeze It. If she had to review an email every time they sent her content for approval, she would never stay on top of her work. Instead of stressing about posting something at the right time, her team can trust that posts will quickly get reviewed and scheduled on Gain. Learn more about Sneeze It’s content workflow here.

3.“Having a communications approval pathway (like the one Gain provides) is one of the best ways to collaborate. It really takes the guesswork out – you can just send a draft post and ask for specific feedback if you’re not sure about something.” – Dina Elenbaas, Twenty10

Twenty10 is a Sydney-based nonprofit that provides support, housing, and counseling for young LGBTQ people and their families. Working with such a sensitive subject, Dina is extremely cautious about any external communications in case they might be politicized. Twenty10 uses Gain to set up a standardized approval process that ensures all marketing materials go through Dina and her team before being published. Read more about Twenty10’s workflow here.

4.“Workflows and standardization are life savers!” – Marii Nieves, Pink Studios

Pink Studios founder Marii Nieves swears by a strictly defined work structure to handle internal approvals and meet deadlines. Before even starting her business, she researched almost every project management tool out there and created standard operating procedures so she can track and handle all the content her team produces. Learn more about Marii’s favorite workflow tools in her interview with our team.
When you are handling dozens of client accounts across multiple teams, it is essential to stay organized so no content gets misplaced. These agencies use their procedures, combined with Gain, to streamline approvals and get content to their clients quickly and reliably every time.