Today we’re glad to introduce several new features that will greatly improve content organization and search in GAIN.


Tags give you the ability to categorize your GAIN content any way you like. Simply go to a post and add as many as you want. Here are some ideas on how you can use tags to organize your content:
  • Tag all posts belonging to the same brand campaign so you can quickly see the status of those posts at any time in the future.
  • Tag posts by topic so you can later see everything you’ve posted about that subject.
  • Your brand has different products, and posts related to each one must be reviewed by different people. Tag your posts with the product name, then quickly find them and send them to the correct approvers.
You can also tag posts in bulk, and manage all your tags at the client level from one place. Your productivity will skyrocket!

Better Search and Filtering

To go along with the tags feature, we’ve beefed up the search functionality in all views, including lists and the calendar. Click on the brand new filter bar at the top of any screen and get a powerful new way to search for your content:
You can search by posts status, publish date, channel, and, of course, tags. GAIN will always remember your last search settings, so you never lose your place.

Take Approvals to the Next Level

Both these features fit nicely with the recently-introduced approval workflows. If your posts need to be approved by different people depending on the content, now you can:
  1. Create approval workflows for all your common approval cases
  2. Create content and tag it appropriately
  3. Later, quickly find the content and send it for approval using a suitable workflow
GAIN makes it quick and simple. Ready to boost your social media prowess? Try GAIN free for 30 days. No credit card required!