With all the challenges you face as a social media manager, sometimes you just need a laugh. Check out our round-up of 8 social media manager memes for a good giggle.
Like all jobs, the life of a social media manager has its quirks. Even if you love what you do, sometimes deadlines, client requests, and budget limitations can have you tearing your hair out. The best way to combat day-to-day stress? Humor.
Despite the wide variety of hats we’re expected to wear in this industry, there are some situations that are familiar to absolutely all of us. In the spirit of looking on the bright side, we’ve put together a list of social media manager memes that will hopefully make you laugh.
1. Client Expectations vs. Budget
Client expectations vs. budget. A classic mismatch. This meme perfectly captures the reality many social media managers face daily: client expectations are sky-high, but the budget? Not so much. When clients ask for viral campaigns with blockbuster results on a shoestring budget, we’ve all learned how to be extra resourceful. Raise your hand if you can relate!
2. This Is Fine! (For When Things Are Definitely Not Fine)
You know that moment when the post you scheduled goes live, and suddenly the client decides they want the messaging changed? It’s like sitting in a burning room, trying to stay calm while everything around you feels chaotic. Try not to let the panic set in.
As social media managers, we’ve all been there—keeping a straight face while frantically adjusting to last-minute requests. Repeat after me: THIS IS FINE.
3. When You Spot a Typo in a Published Post
Perhaps the most relatable social media manager meme.
Picture this…you’re relaxing, without a care in the world, safe in the knowledge that your social media content is ready and will be published automatically. Suddenly, the phone rings and it’s the client. Horror of horrors, they’ve spotted a typo.
Look, we all make mistakes. Once you’ve been looking at the same post for hours, it’s easy to miss stuff. Knowing that doesn’t stop the sinking feeling though. You just have to get it corrected and reposted ASAP.
And try to keep the screaming on the inside.
4.When a Client Asks ‘Can We Make This Viral by Tomorrow?’

If only it were so simple! Viral content is part clever strategy and part luck. Sometimes, your best ideas fall flat. Other times, something you never expected takes off. Either way, most things don’t happen overnight.
Clients who think you can just click your fingers and *poof* you have a viral post can leave you looking just as confused as this guy. You’re a social media manager, not a magician. The important thing is that you keep smiling! 🙂
5. When the Client’s Feedback Is Just, “Can We Make It Pop?
Does anyone actually know what this means? Seriously… anyone?
Sometimes, clients aren’t great at feedback. Often, they’re not sure what they want, they just want more or different which doesn’t help you very much. ‘Make it pop’ seems to be a placeholder for when they’re at a loss for more specific notes. Pop what? Champagne? If hearing these words makes you want to lose it, this is the meme for you.
Deep breaths!
6. Making Space for Trends
Staying relevant is super important. Hopping on social media trends is a key part of that, and they can be unpredictable. Social media managers need to be flexible, however frustrating that is at times.
Just spent hours creating and scheduling your regular content? Too bad; the latest TikTok dance just dropped. Time to learn some new moves and rearrange that posting schedule. And 5, 6, 7 & 8.
7. When the Client Expects 24/7 Availability
Does this meme feel a little too familiar? You may be suffering from people-pleasing syndrome.
All of us have struggled with setting boundaries when it comes to work. Clients that expect 24/7 attention from their social media manager can be tricky to handle. Especially if they’re not your only client. Managing their expectations is part of the job. Though that’s definitely easier said than done!
Social media management doesn’t exactly fit the regular 9-5 schedule. Do you feel like keeping an eye on your work emails is second nature? Maybe you’re guilty of checking on your social media stats while on vacation. The internet never sleeps, but you need to. Put the phone down.
8. Waiting On Client Content Approvals
Sometimes getting content approvals takes longer than creating the content itself. Chasing stakeholders and trawling email chains for sign-offs can have you feeling like the old lady at the end of Titanic.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! Use a social media management tool like Gain to automate your content approval workflow, take the pain out of the process, and free up time for more important tasks. (Just like Rose could have made space for Jack on that door.)
The Bottom Line
If you relate to any of these memes, you’re not alone. No one is safe from these social media manager problems. Balancing your workload and your personal life whilst keeping all your clients happy is no small feat.
We’ve all felt like throwing our computers out the window from time to time. The good news is, there are plenty of things you can do to make your life easier. Less dog in the house on fire, more dog cruising on a skateboard.
Social media management tools can help you level up your game. Centralize your operations with a tool like Gain. You can create content, collaborate with clients, manage your content approval workflows, and autopublish social posts all in one place. With Gain, your content is organized and easily edited. Last-minute changes? This is fine! No, really.
Sign up free today to see if we can make these memes feel a little less relatable.