


For anyone managing multiple Twitter accounts with multiple contributors, having an approval process in place is crucial. Not only does an approval process ensure that your tweets are appropriate for each account but it also helps minimize mistakes — whether it’s poor timing, grammatical issues, or spelling errors. GAIN can help your team rest assured that your posts are always error-free. GAIN also automates the entire approval process, from creation to approval to scheduling of…

The social editorial calendar is a clear favorite among GAIN users because it offers a quick and easy look at each month’s social media content for each client at a glance. All of the content you schedule to be published as well as all of the content that has already gone live is viewable in this calendar layout, making it easy to sift through and organize posts so you’ll never double-post the same topic or…

So you manage a Facebook page, and since late last year the engagement rates for Pages have been dropping like flies. You create great content but your engagement keeps falling and, worse yet, getting people to click on your links is almost impossible. What in the world are you supposed to do? There’s really no way of cheating the system so you are left with two options: 1) pay up, or 2) create awesome, engaging content…