Big ideas are the epicenter of successful creative solutions. Located in Searcy, Arkansas, Think Idea Studio is an innovative agency that provides branding, marketing, and advertising services.  The key to Think Idea Studio’s success is personalizing their solutions for each client while adapting to shifts in the industry. To learn more about how Gain is helping Think Idea Studio improve their social media process and client management, we spoke with Phillip Slavin, a content specialist for the firm.

1. What does your average day-to-day look like?

As the content specialist at Think Idea Studio, I manage the Facebook pages for multiple clients. This includes updating images as well as creating, writing, and managing monthly posts. I also manage the city of Searcy’s website and social media presence. In sum, a lot of my time is spent researching and crafting social media content but I also craft web copy and press releases.

2. What’s an example of a content marketing mistake you see frequently?

One thing I try to avoid is starting posts off with “If-Then” sentences. It’s a crutch that I fall back on too often when I can’t come up with a great opening for a Facebook post.

3. What have been the most valuable lessons you’ve learned about content management over the last few years?

Make it personal. A client’s employees and staff are just as valuable when promoting a business as its products and services. The more opportunities I have to humanize and personalize the content to fit that specific business, the better the content, and the more engaged my targeted audience tends to be.

4. When you switched to Gain, how did things change, and what is the biggest problem Gain solves for you?

Before Gain we were still sending clients Word documents to review social media content. We also had to manage each social media platform (such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) individually. Gsin has saved us a lot of time, energy, and hassle. Plus, all of our clients seem to love using it as well, especially since they can access it and approve content from their phones.
Many thanks to Phillip for chatting with us! We’ll be sharing more tips and insights from the top agencies using Gain to automate their social media approvals so stay tuned!