We recently sat down with Brett Farmiloe, the CEO of Markitors, as well as a leadership degree program advisor and Forbes contributor, about why after 4+ years of using Buffer as their social media management tool, his team decided to make the switch to Gain. Check out the interview below to learn how his team uses Gain! 🙌

What sparked your switch to Gain?

A new hire proposed that we switch to Gain because her previous company used it, and clients loved it. I spoke with our team about Buffer, and they concurred: we needed a social media management tool that spoke to both social media experts and novices. Our team loved the transition to Gain. A favorite feature is the ability to see previews of scheduled posts – a big win for getting client approval. Plus, the company change from Buffer to Gain was minimal. We were up and running on Gain within a week.

What’s the best part about using Gain with your clients?

Our clients enjoy the easy collaboration set up by Gain. Gain’s various features allows for autonomy and the ability for clients to see our work. This kind of transparency is hard to get in other automated social media scheduling sites. With Buffer, clients couldn’t directly see content before it was posted. However, with Gain, clients have more control and enjoy the collaboration between our company and their vision for their brand.

What’s your favorite feature of Gain?

Gain offers tiers of communication, called approval templates, that are a favorite for our company and our clients. Our clients are the ones who approve the final product for their company. We create and schedule the content and our clients get to approve the end result. This allows for simple collaboration between our company and our clients. Gain also has a super simple interface that allows for tasks and posts to be easily managed. With mobile-optimized approvals, our team can access the website on their phones. The phone format makes it easy to see content before it’s posted as well.

How much is your team saving with Gain?

Buffer offers no middle of the road plan, meaning the price jumps. However, Gain charges per user. We are saving over $200/month and especially when you’re operating as a small business, saving as much as possible is really important. Selecting a social media management platform isn’t easy. You have internal processes to worry about, and internal tool biases to balance. But, for the reasons stated above, we gained a lot by making the switch. Pun intended.
Many thanks to Brett for sharing why his team chose Gain above other social media management tools. If your team is ready to make the switch, start a free trial of Gain or schedule a demo with us today! 😄