We’re excited to announce that you can now recycle your content with GAIN’s new Smart Recycle™ feature! Recycling your best posts, photos, and videos can increase your traffic 5x or more and help you reach new audiences. After you create content, now you’ll have the option to save an exact copy of your content as drafts on a future day (or multiple days) and times that you choose. Smart Recycle™ is a feature many of our users have requested to eliminate the unnecessary work of recreating content from scratch and manually setting a new time and date for each individual post. If you’re ready to save time on your content creation efforts, then check out how your team can start recycling your best content with GAIN today!

Start recycling

recycle social media content with GAIN When you log in to GAIN, you’ll see a new Recycle button in the main navigation bar. First, select two or more posts to recycle. With Smart Recycle™, you can recycle draft posts, scheduled posts, or posts that have already been published. The current status of the content does not matter! recycle social media content with GAIN After you select your content, hit Recycle!

Setting a schedule for your recycled content

The next step is selecting on which days and the time range you’d like to save your drafts on your content calendar. You can select one day, one week, or even multiple months and GAIN will automatically set a date for each piece of content you want to recycle. There’s no limit on the date range you can select to save your draft posts. recycle social media content with GAIN Finally, select a time range for your content and GAIN will automatically assign a time to each piece of content within that range.

Revising your recycled content and sending posts through your approval process

That’s it! Your newly recycled posts will be saved as drafts on the same channels and automatically distributed on days within the range you selected. recycle social media content with GAIN Now you can head over to your content calendar to view, edit any copy or attached media and reschedule content if needed, and then send your recycled content through your team’s content approval process. recycle social media content with GAIN Remember, Smart Recycle™ will always save your content as drafts and will never automatically schedule or send content to anyone else inside or outside of your organization without your approval.

Start filling up your content calendar

Sometimes content is just too good not to use again. We’re excited that the new Smart Recycle™ feature will help automate the process of filling your social media calendar each month so your team never runs out of content and has more time to work on more important things. Start a free trial or log in to your GAIN account and start recycling your content!