In all likelihood, your newest team member will spend their first day trying to make a good impression. You should probably do the same. After all, almost half of new hires resign within the first four months at their new job. The first few days can be a crucial time to define a new hire’s role and show them how they fit into a dynamic team. This time is particularly important if you are a…
Between touring homes, preparing open houses, and responding to emails from new clients, real estate agents have a lot to do. And, as a real estate agent, you may feel like you have no time to work on your social media presence. Still, you probably know that marketing yourself online can help you make more sales. The secret is to automate your social media, so you don’t have to update it during your busy day.…
The eyes of the world are affixed upon social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It has become necessary for businesses to have a social media presence in order to maintain relevance. However, a common misconception is that social media marketing is more beneficial for B2C companies, and a waste of time for those who sell directly to businesses. B2B companies who neglect the marketing mecca that is social media are placing…
You are your brand, and you must do all you can to protect it and ensure that anything you share communicates your values and those of your organization. In the age of social media, this also means being acutely aware of the damage your brand can sustain at any given time. Protecting your brand requires implementing social media policies and approval processes, as well as having the right personnel and tools to monitor conversations about…
90% of businesses are already using content marketing to generate inbound leads. With companies pushing out so much content daily, marketers may be wondering if content marketing is still relevant in 2018. The statistics speak for themselves, and the answer is a clear and resounding: yes! More and more marketers are turning to blogging, podcasting, vlogging, live video, and even Snapchat to get their companies’ message out in a way that is valuable, educational, and…
Creativity doesn’t always come when you need it. If you’ve ever suffered writer’s block, then these tools can help you push through it. These days, there are thousands of tools that offer idea generation help, visual design inspiration, and pre-made social media content. While you should not rely on these tools for all your content creation – if all digital marketers did it, all content would look the same! – these apps and tools can…
Keeping up with social media can be challenging, especially if you’re managing multiple accounts or multiple accounts for several clients. There are plenty of applications dedicated to making social media management and scheduling easier; however, the reliability of these apps can vary significantly. When it comes to managing multiple social media accounts, reliability in the tool you choose to get the job done matters. While many social media management platforms offer the ability to schedule…
Collaborating with your client doesn’t mean they want to receive every minor project update or detail. Your clients’ days are full enough, so that’s why GAIN provides a simple place for clients to easily approve or request revisions on content without having to log in, sift through unnecessary information, or click around in multiple documents. If you’re wondering what your clients will see when they use GAIN to collaborate with your team and approve content,…
Thanks to new automation tools like GAIN, the way marketing teams communicate is becoming increasingly efficient. Especially in the world of social media, teams need to continuously find new ways to automate their tasks in order to keep up with the latest trends in communication, and we’ve designed the perfect solution. GAIN helps simplify internal and external communications, making it easier for teams and their clients to streamline everyday correspondence surrounding marketing materials. Our automated…
You know how it works: You create amazing content and send it around to your team for approval before it goes to your clients. But once that content is emailed to each client, then they start sending back their comments and edits via email or in one of numerous documents. They may even bring in others to leave their feedback, scattering notes all over the place and before you know it, it becomes challenging to…