More features are out this week!

Branded Client Experience

Many customers have told us they want their agency or company’s branding to be more prominent when their own clients access the platform. It reassures their clients that they’re working in an environment set up for them by the people they already know and trust.

We listened. Now, your clients see your company’s branding (instead of ours) whenever they’re interacting with the app.​

In particular, email notifications to approvers now feature your company’s name and logo front and center. Also, clients never see the Gain logo while they’re reviewing content inside the app.

Remembering View Preferences

Now Gain will remember your sorting and filtering settings in list and calendar views. Want to keep posts sorted by publishing date? Gain will remember this. Don’t want to see live posts in the calendar? Turn it off in the filters and Gain will remember it.


Gain remembers these settings per profile (meaning you can have different sorting/filtering for each social profile) and per user (each user on your team can keep their own sort/filter preferences.)

If you’re reading this and you haven’t tried Gain yet, what are you waiting for? Start a 14-day trial right now with instant access and no credit card required!