Great news: Now, you can schedule and publish posts automatically on Instagram, directly from Gain. Yes, after your posts are approved and scheduled, Gain can now publish them for you! This means you won’t need to connect your account to Buffer just to publish to Instagram, unless you want to for your workflow purposes.
What content can I publish automatically from Gain?
You can schedule and publish single-image and single-video posts automatically from Gain. For other formats like multiple-image posts and stories, you can use the Gain Notify mobile app which makes manual publishing easier by alerting you when it’s time to publish and copying the content to your phone.
How do I enable automatic publishing to Instagram via Gain?
There’s nothing to do on your end! If your approval workflow is set to automatically publish a post on the scheduled date after it’s approved, it’ll publish automatically. Easy peasy!
Who can publish automatically from Gain?
This feature is available for Instagram business accounts. To take advantage of auto-publishing to Instagram via Gain, you can turn your personal Instagram account into a business account by following these steps.
Can I still publish automatically via Buffer?
Yes, you will still have that option. Via Buffer, you can automatically publish single-image posts. Single-video posts will publish automatically via Gain.
What’s the difference between publishing through Gain vs Buffer?
Publishing through Gain will allow you to publish both single-image and video posts. The Buffer integration only allows single-image posts.
How do I switch from publishing through Buffer to publishing through Gain?
All you have to do is go to your Instagram channel settings (Brand Settings > Social Channels > Instagram) and disconnect the Buffer integration. That’s it! And you can always connect it again if you need to for your workflow purposes.

Returning Users: Get 60 Days Free! 🎉
With these and other improvements our team has been working on recently like File Annotations and File Folders to manage all your marketing assets in Gain (not just social!) there has never been a better time to try out Gain! That’s why we’re giving our returning users 2 months FREE to bring all your brands, all your content, and all your teams together in Gain.
Just click below to contact our Customer Happiness team and get your free 2-month period today to try out a new and improved workflow for all your teams and all your clients.
Gain is an easy-to-use tool that automates the gathering of feedback and approvals from clients or stakeholders, specifically designed for marketing assets. Start a free trial and save precious time with an automated approval workflow for all your marketing content!